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International Workshop in Digital Architectural Heritage at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Immagine del redattore: MOEBHIOS horizon_mscaMOEBHIOS horizon_msca

MOEBHIOS project is official partner of the International Workshop “Digital Discoveries in Architectural Heritage: From 3D Mapping to Phygital Experiences”, which will take place between 8th – 13th June 2024 in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). The workshop is organised from a collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, the University of Pavia (Italy) and the University of Sharjah (United Arab Emirates).

The workshop is scientifically organized from the side of the University of Pavia by Dr. Raffaella De Marco from the DICAr Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, in collaboration with Dr. Alina Elena Voinea (Workshop Coordinator, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca) and Dr. Eslam Nofal (University of Sharjah).

The event will aim to familiarise students with the production and management of 3D databases on Architectural Heritage for morphometric analysis and the virtual dissemination of cultural sites. The workshop will focus on Architectural Heritage sites in the historic urban center of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), interested by cultural and social stratifications of events and communities in history. The sites will be documented and developed in the terms of Digital Survey, Historical Analysis, Virtual Heritage and dissemination of Virtual, Augmented and Physical 3D models for web and social communication. In this way, the workshop brings together the research experience in Digital Documentation and Digital Heritage developed at the research laboratory DAda-LAB. of DICAr, and the experimental research activities on architectural heritage in clustered territories developed under the Marie Curie project MOEBHIOS coordinated by the University of Pavia (PI. Dr. Raffaella De Marco).

The workshop is also part of the Festival of Architecture Schools of Tomorrow 2024 held by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning in Cluj-Napoca and it is addressed to students from all Architecture Schools in Romania. Students from Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Târgu Mureș, Timișoara, and Bucharest universities will participate.

During the events, networking activities and meetings will be organised in the perspective of establishing future collaborations between the universities involved.


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