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International Intensive Summer School "VERY-M Valuing challEnges on aRchitectural tYpologies – Modernity"

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From September 22nd-28th, 2023, the Intensive International Summer School "VERY-M Valuing challEnges on aRchitectural tYpologies - Modernity" will be held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia

The Summer School, organised by the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture DICAr, through the research laboratories DAda-Lab. and PLAY, is coordinated by Dr. Raffaella De Marco, currently Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-Doctoral Fellow at the department. On behalf of the University of Pavia, Prof. Francesca Picchio and Prof. Massimiliano Savorra from DICAr are participating in the Organizing Committee.

The Summer School aims to address the issues of communication and valorisation of architectural heritage by exploring the stylistic variations adopted in the Modern and the opportunities for digital dissemination of such analyses. Insights and comparisons between international examples in the Mediterranean and European contexts will be encouraged, in search of common design models and lines of conservation in response to social, cultural and economic changes in traditional values and memories. Strategies of dissemination and storytelling through Web 4.0 digital tools (3D models, VR environments, immersive archives) will be presented and adopted, to enhance interdisciplinary social values related to the narration of Cultural Heritage through interactive 3D platforms and open-access virtual environments.

International students will participate from countries extending across the Mediterranean basin, from Portugal to Palestine, from transversal interdisciplinary fields (architecture, engineering, economics, tourism, social humanities), and they will contribute to the sharing of experiences and the search for cultural connections between different geographical contexts.

The Summer School is coordinated by the University of Pavia (UNIPV), in a partnership composed by European University Viadrina (EUV) - Germany, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE) - Portugal, Al-Quds University (AQU) - Palestine, Izmir Institute of Technology (IIT) - Turkey, The Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL) - United Kingdom.

The activities are promoted through a co-funding from the Erasmus+ programme for Blended Intensive Programs, awarded through a competitive call, and are funded by the Horizon Europe project "MOEBHIOS".


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